The answer to this question depends on the reason your doctor has recommended the EGG. Generally, the test is being done to help your doctor subtype the electrical energy of your gastrointestinal system in order to know if your Interstitial cells of Cajal or ICCs are present and working properly. This will help your physician to select the best treatment for you.

What if I am suffering from GERD?

  • Gastro esophageal reflux disease is generally driven by gastric motility problems. If you have a subtype motility disorder that is known as antro-pyloric dysfunction, fixing this underlying condition could eliminate or control your reflux symptoms permanently.
  • Conversely, in some people it may be that the GERD is causing the gastric motility problem. If this is the case, then correcting the reflux will fix the gastric motility issue. Only EGG can determine which type of disease you have and help personalize your therapy.

I am planning on having a gastric sleeve for Obesity. Why is EGG important for me?

  • It is essential to be certain that your gastric motility is normal before your surgery because the surgery will significantly affect the dynamics of your stomach function. In up to 40% of those having sleeve surgery, uncontrollable reflux will develop after the surgery. This is because of an unrecognized problem known as pyloric dysfunction. Pyloric dysfunction may also cause leakage of the suture/staple line and/or gas bloat syndrome. EGG is the only test that can detect this condition. If it is detected prior to surgery, a simple endoscopic balloon dilation can correct the problem and may prevent these complications of sleeve surgery.

I am planning on having a corrective procedure for GERD. Why is EGG important for me?

  • It is essential to be certain that your gastric motility is normal before your reflux correction procedure because the reflux may be caused by a gastric motility disorder known as antro-pyloric dysfunction. Up to 40-45% of those with chronic reflux have an underlying gastric motility disorder known as Gastroparesis, and in 25% of these cases pyloric dysfunction is the culprit. If unrecognized prior to the corrective reflux procedure, there is a risk of gas bloat syndrome developing after the procedure. Pyloric dysfunction may also cause primary failure of the anti-reflux procedure or the development of another type of reflux known as LPR. EGG is the only test that can detect this condition. If it is detected prior to surgery, a simple endoscopic balloon dilation can correct the problem and may prevent these complications and insure a better outcome.

I have been told that I have Gastroparesis and/or Functional Dyspepsia. Why should I have an EGG?

  • These two illnesses are the same, but just different ends of the spectrum of disease. Both are caused by a) either a loss or dysfunction of pacemaker cells known as Interstitial cells of Cajal or ICCs, or b) a dysfunction of the antrum or pylorus of the stomach. Traditionally treatments for these diseases have been poor and unreliable, because until EGG was developed, it was not possible to understand the cause of the disease. The benefit of the EGG is that the test looks inside of your body to see if the pacemaker cells known as ICCs are working and healthy. Then the doctor can divide the illness into subtypes using the EGG results. Once the subtype is determined then the physician will understand the underlying cause of the disease and select the ideal treatment for you to either control or cure your illness. This is known as personalized medicine.

3CPM Company, Inc.
53 Loveton Circle, Suite 203
Sparks Glencoe, Maryland 21152. USA
Tel:  443-906-3276
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