3CPM Company is a diagnostic health care company based in Sparks Glencoe,Maryland,in the USA.
The company was formed in January 1998 to promote and further develop the ground-breaking novel technology developed by one of its founders, Dr. Kenneth Koch.
Built on decades of research in gastric motility and electrogastrography, lead by Dr. Koch, the company forged ahead further developing advances in diagnositic applications of electrogastrography based upon healthy normal controls. Proprietary EGGSAS software soon followed, facilitating the ease of clinical use. The 3CPM® device detects, records, and analyzes the electrical activity of the stomach to diagnose the gastric myoelectrical activity (GMA) and abnormalities in a quick, accurate, and reproducible manner.
In 2003, under the leadership of Dr. Mark Noar, an established EGG user experienced in medical simulation and device development, the company embarked upon major hardware and software refinements. With miniaturization of the hardware components and AI-driven software diagnostics and interpretation, multiple platforms were created to suit the research and/or clinical needs of the user.
3CPM continues to lead in the field, with further refinement of proprietary software and hardware, completely automated signal acquisition, and AI based automation of diagnostic and recommended therapeutic applications. Soon to be released technological advances will extend the application to other organ systems, offering entirely disposable and cloud based, wearable diagnostic and therapeutic devices.
The Invention of the Device
This noninvasive, user-friendly system was developed and tested on over 1,000 patients presenting with difficult symptomatology. The device’s validity and reliability liken its potential to the extensively-used electrocardiogram (EKG). After testing, 3CPM obtained regulatory clearance from the FDA in 1998, then US patent and copyright protection. The initial US-based product launch further defined the following clinical categories: tachygastria, bradygastria, and reflux-related GERD+ Dyspepsia, which affects millions more in the population than previously identified. The incorporation of population-based normal values, against which disease states may be distinguished, is what makes 3CPM’s EGG unique.
The Most Recent Developments For 3CPM's EGG Include:
- The creation of new predictive conformational statistical diagnostic methodologies, based upon the strength and reproducibility of the 3cpm (3 cycles per minute) signal, and…
- The disease-related threshold software, known as the EGG GMAT®, which defines both specific gastroparesis subtypes and the predictability of therapy’s success for this disease.
More About the 3CPM
Dr. Noar was appointed Board Chairman and CEO. Under his guidance, 3CPM has continued to advance and mature with the development of:
- Research-specific software platforms for animal and human research,
- software tools to allow automatic detection and correction of hardware and software errors,
- Companion software programs to facilitate device use in large research-based projects with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the pharmaceutical industry,
- Additional US and worldwide patents and IP protection, and
- Successful entry into large international markets including Korea and China.
In collaboration with Dr. Koch, further advances in hardware development led to the creation of novel endoscopic tools. These tools allow EGG technology to be introduced endoscopically in order to directly diagnose and treat gastric motility disorders.3CPM® Company’s present board is the core management team necessary to grow and build the Company.
The current board (5/5 seats filled) has an impressive range of relevant experiences, which has enhanced its ability to quickly accomplish the business plan’s objectives.