The 3CPM Electrogastrography/Electroviscerography System has been recognized globally as the only approved and proven test to accurately diagnose gastrointestinal motility disorders. 3CPM’s breakthough technology allows recognition of the various subtypes of disease, which allows practitioners the rare opportunity of matching diagnostic subtypes of illness with personalized therapies. This novel approach to disease diagnosis and treatment has opened the door to either cure or control Gastroparesis, Dyspepsia and other gastrointestinal diseases.
The non-invasive system looks inside of the body and “reads” the internal cells and processes required for normal motility. Subtyping the specific cause of the problem permits custom-tailored treatments and will even help surgeons prevent treatment complications before they can occur. Electrogastrography/Electroviscerography uniquely enables the cure and control of disorders that have previously evaded successful treatment.
Learn more at or contact us or one of our dedicated distributors or partners to arrange for a demonstration.